I confess. I am addicted to Pinterest. It influences me daily. I use it for work, leading customer workshops almost weekly. I use it at home to get organized, to decorate and to plan, well, EVERYTHING! I have decided to share some of my Pinterest inspired projects & parties here with you!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Upcycling Project - From Old Railings to Stunning Compost Bin!

As many of you may know, we have been updating our front porch. My husband removed the old, bowed railings but I would NOT let him burn them in our bonfire pit. He LOVES to burn everything, in fact I still think a few of my "missing" dressers & chairs ended up in the pit while I was at work...He denies it but I don't quite believe him! Anyway, I was able to convince him to save the railings as would would use them for another project. A few weeks later - inspiration struck us both and we decided to upcycle them into a compost bin. I showed him some ideas on Pinterest and by the time I got home from work, he had built us a brand new, stunning compost bin!

The gate in the front can be removed so you can get your compost out! I was quite impressed!
Maybe I'll move on from the missing furniture...maybe. :)
It works so well, my daughter even built her own (with some help from her Dad)!

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